When you purchase our $3 handmade gift bags, we match and return 100% of the profits to our very own Women’s Circle in Southern Sri Lanka.
$3 adds up when we all get involved!
Let me tell you about the Women’s Circle!
The small group of beautiful women currently involved in this self-directed project are living in rural areas of the southern province. They are marginalised and vulnerable as a result of low socioeconomic status or family relationship breakdown.
Your $3 will assist the participants in many ways, depending on their circumstances. Examples include:
✨ empowerment through building independence and autonomy
✨growing confidence
✨ contributing to household costs
✨ building new skills
✨ creating a savings account
✨ connecting in safety
✨ nurture self-esteem, self-love and sense of purpose
✨ improve self-care
✨ lower stress
That could be the best $3 you have ever spent, right? 
#ladystartups #womensupportingwomen #communitydevelopment #srilankadaily
April 28, 2023 — Hayley Marakkalamana

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